Thursday, April 24, 2008

Timely Release and A Unanimous Vote

First and foremost, everyone is jumping for joy since the Genetics Information and NonDiscrimination Act passed unanimously today. But, I will not rest until President Bush takes that lovely little pen and signs this into law. I hate to be called a cynic. I am a realist....But President Bush Will sign this into law. Until that, it is just a passed bill. But it is a start.

Second, the American College of Medical Geneticists has put out a statement regarding genetic tetsing and patient care. Hsien, points this out over at Eye on DNA. She does a great job of highlighting the issues. Which, once again brings me to the point that diagnosing pre-disease is just as much medicine as diagnosing full on disease.

The notable item...

minimum requirements for any genetic testing protocol.”
1. A knowledgeable
health professional should be involved in the process of ordering and interpreting a genetic test.
2. The consumer should be
fully informed regarding what the test can and cannot say about his or her health.
3. The scientific evidence on which a test is based should be
clearly stated.
4. The clinical testing laboratory must be accredited by
CLIA, the State and/or other applicable accrediting agencies.
Privacy concerns must be addressed.
Lastly...with the recent notes that geneticists reach will now be increasing.....We have to start having some minimum requirements.

The Sherpa Says: Well. You have got to ask yourself. If the professionals are stating these are MINIMUM requirements.....what is everyone else doing? And why aren't they all doing the minimum?

1 comment:

J.Kamesh said...

I thought this might be of some interest to all readers